A guide to porcelain veneers by our dentist


If you’re not happy with the way your teeth look, and have been wanting to get a treatment to help improve this, then porcelain veneers could be for you. Veneers are a cosmetic treatment, meaning they are solely provided to help improve the look of your teeth.

What are veneers?

A veneer is a thin, tooth-shaped piece of porcelain that our dentist Coorparoo will attach to the front of your teeth to cover any imperfections. This treatment has been proven to help many different types of imperfection, such as discolouration, minor misalignment, cracks and stains. You can either choose to have a single veneer if you only want to cover one tooth, or a whole set, which covers the majority of your teeth.

The benefits

Improved appearance

The main and most obvious benefit that you can enjoy when getting veneers is an improved appearance. They can really help to transform your smile, especially if you choose to have a full set. They will be shaped and coloured according to your face shape and other teeth to maintain a natural look.

Easy maintenance

Another thing that our patients have loved about getting veneers is how easy they are to look after. You don’t need to do anything differently once you have your veneers on, just brush and floss as you usually would with your natural teeth and you’re good to go!


When you keep up a good and regular oral hygiene routine, your veneers can last for 20 years or more! Porcelain is a very durable material, as well as stain-resistant, so they will look bright and stay strong for a long time after getting the treatment.

What will happen?

When you come to Brisbane Laser Dentist to get veneers, you can rest assured knowing that our team is highly trained and skilled in providing this treatment, and that you will be in great hands. We will ensure that your needs are met as best as possible before, during and after the treatment.

Before we actually attach your veneers, we will first need to have a consultation with you, so that we can personalise the treatment for your needs. Our dentist Coorparoo will take scans, photos and videos of your teeth to influence the creation of your custom veneers. This also gives us the opportunity to get to know you and answer any questions you may have about the treatment.

When it comes to attaching your new veneers, the process is fairly simple. All our dentist Coorparoo will need to do is use a type of dental cement to attach the veneers to the front of your teeth. The dental cement will then be hardened by a strong beam of light. Once this is done, you can leave our practice and go and enjoy your new smile!

As mentioned above, taking care of your veneers is very simple. You won’t need to do anything differently to what you would do with your natural teeth. You just need to ensure that you brush and floss your teeth regularly, that’s it! With a good oral hygiene routine, your veneers will last for many years to come.

Disclaimer: All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.