Can a dentist near me help with chipped teeth?


Chipped teeth are a very common problem amongst dental patients and if your tooth happens to chip during out of practice hours, you should always contact our ‘dentist near me’ as soon as possible. There are a variety of different treatment options that can offer relief or fix chipped tooth symptoms, but our ‘dentist near me’ will always recommend a treatment on an individual basis, taking into consideration your unique circumstances and dental history. Here at Brisbane Laser Dentist, quality patient care is important to us. We want you to feel comfortable within our practice and will always answer any of your questions and concerns.

In this short article, our ‘dentist near me’ will talk you through some of the reasons you might be dealing with a chipped tooth, as well as the treatment options we provide.

How do chips happen?

If you noticed a chip or crack in your tooth after an injury or some trauma to the mouth, it is likely that this is the cause of the crack. Over time, our teeth can become weakened due to decay, which means that often even the smallest amount of pressure on the weakened tooth can result in a chip. They can also happen when biting down hard or eating something brittle, like an apple or toffee. Chipped teeth are often easy to fix and it can be done within just one appointment, but it is important that you make an appointment to see us, as if left untreated they can become much worse and often be the cause of substantial pain.


If the chip is in a tooth that is situated towards the back of your mouth, we might suggest repairing it with a filling. We will use a composite bonding that matches the colour of the remaining tooth structure, allowing for a natural appearance.

Dental bonding

If the chip is in a tooth that is situated towards the front of your mouth, however, we are likely to suggest dental bonding, which will allow us more control, as the teeth are much more accessible when at the front of your mouth. We will apply gel, an adhesive and then the bonding material to once again create a full shape for your tooth, adapting the bonding material into the desired shape.


A crown may be used if a large piece of tooth has broken away or if the natural tooth is very decayed. A crown is a tooth shaped prosthetic that fits snugly over the broken tooth, often made from metal, porcelain or composite material. Crowns can take a while to be made, so you may be fitted with a temporary option while this is happening.


Dental veneers can hide the damage caused on a tooth that is placed at the front of your mouth. Veneers are a very thin product often made from resin material. They are placed over the entire tooth, however, the tooth is prepared first by removing enamel. We will use a specific bonding material that will allow for better adherence between your tooth and the veneer.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.